Paul Coldwell: A Layered Practice: Graphic Works 1993 - 2012
£10.00 / On Sale
This catalogue of A Layered Practice, an exhibition curated by Dr Ben Thomas (2012) focuses on Paul Coldwell as a printmaker and features prints made between 1993-2012 alongside selected sculptures. The prints include works made through traditional means as well as through the use of digital technologies but central to all is an exploration of themes of journey and our relationship with objects.
A fully illustrated 96 page catalogue including essays by Ben Thomas (curator Studio 3 Gallery) and Christian Rümelin (Keeper of Prints and Drawings of the Cabinet d’arts Graphiques in Geneva)
See website http://www.paulcoldwell.org
Published by Studio 3 Gallery, University of Kent. Canterbury
ISBN 978-1-902671-81-9